Accelerate Montana

蒙大拿 生技醫藥 - Montana Bioscience

Accelerate Montana


Accelerate Montana 與蒙大拿州企業和全州的教育和經濟發展夥伴合作,以其前沿研究與創新、資金和資助的獲取及轉化醫學專業知識,提供培訓課程以幫助提升技能與競爭力並促進發展。

The Accelerate Montana, leveraging cutting-edge research and innovation, access to funding and grants, and expertise in translational medicine, collaborates with Montana businesses and partners in education and economic development across the state to provide essential training for upskilling, competing, and thriving.

前沿研究與創新 Cutting-Edge Research and Innovation


The University of Montana (UM) is at the forefront of bioscience research, known for pioneering work in biotechnology, pharmacology, and environmental health sciences. Taiwan high-tech companies can leverage this expertise to advance their own research and development initiatives.

  • 先進的研究設施 Advanced Research Facilities:

    UM 擁有最先進的實驗室和研究設施,提供進行高水平研究的理想環境。蒙大拿州立大學擁有R1地位,這意味著它是一個因研究活動水平高而被認可的頂級研究機構。
    UM boasts state-of-the-art laboratories and research facilities, providing an ideal environment for conducting high-level research. The University of Montana holds an R1 status, designating it as a top-tier research institution recognized for its high level of research activity.

  • 創新走廊門戶 Innovation Corridor Gateway:

    10英畝的 MonTEC 商業孵化器擴建項目將為高密度、混合用途的開發提供充足的空間,這些開發可能包括實驗室、辦公室、孵化器和支持空間,以及其他補充用途。
    The expansion of the 10-acre MonTEC business incubator site is slated to add ample space on the site for higher density, mixed-use development that could provide lab, office, incubator, and support spaces as well as other complementary uses.

  • 創新項目 Innovative Projects:

    蒙大拿州立大學的 Montana Headwaters Tech Hub Consortium 已獲得美國商務部經濟發展管理局的正式指定和資金支持,成為區域技術與創新中心。蒙大拿州立大學將與其合作,開發可部署在自主系統中的智能光子傳感系統(smart photonic sensing systems),並應用於關鍵的國防、資源管理和災害預防領域。
    Collaboration can lead to participation in groundbreaking projects and access to new technologies and methodologies. The Montana Headwaters Tech Hub Consortium has received formal designation and funding as a Regional Technology & Innovation Hub from the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration. The University of Montana, in partnership with the Montana Headwaters Tech Hub, will develop smart photonic sensing systems that can be deployed in autonomous systems and applied to critical defense, resource management, and disaster prevention applications.

資金和資助的獲取 Access to Funding and Grants

UM的研究人員經常從國家衛生研究院(NIH)、國家科學基金會(NSF)和其他聯邦及私人來源獲得大量資金。通過與 UM 合作,臺灣公司可以提高獲得合作資助和資金機會的資格。

UM researchers frequently secure substantial funding from prestigious institutions such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the National Science Foundation (NSF), and other federal and private sources. By partnering with UM, Taiwanese companies can enhance their eligibility for collaborative grants and funding opportunities.

  • 聯合申請資助 Joint Grant Applications:

    Collaborate on grant proposals to secure international funding.

  • 共享資源 Shared Resources:

    Benefit from shared financial resources and reduce the cost burden of research and development.

轉化醫學專業知識 Expertise in Translational Medicine

UM以其轉化醫學(Translational Medicine)工作聞名,將實驗室的發現轉化為臨床應用。臺灣生物科技公司可以利用UM在這一領域的豐富經驗,加速治療解決方案的開發。

UM is renowned for its translational medicine efforts, turning laboratory discoveries into clinical applications. Taiwan bioscience companies can benefit from UM's extensive experience in this area to accelerate the development of therapeutic solutions.

  • 臨床試驗 Clinical Trials:

    利用 UM 的網絡在美國進行臨床試驗。
    Access to UM’s networks for conducting clinical trials in the U.S.

  • 監管專業知識 Regulatory Expertise:

    Guidance through the complex U.S. regulatory landscape for new medical products.

更多合作細節請洽 For further details on collaboration opportunities, contact:
Scott Whittenberg, Vice President of Research
University of Montana Email:



地址:6015 Greg's Way, Missoula, Montana 59808