BioSurface Technologies Corporation (BST) 是一家美國製造商,自 1994 年起提供用於研究生物膜的創新產品,生物膜是由微生物所分泌的黏液所聚集在生物或非生物的表面而形成,會影響醫療、工業和日常環境的表面。BioSurface Technologies 提供研究裝置給將固有生物膜特性化、控制去除生物膜產品、特殊材料及產品應用,使學術和工業研究組織針對生物膜進行可再現性的研究。
BioSurface Technologies Corporation (BST) is a US-based manufacturer, providing innovative products for biofilm investigations since 1994. Biofilms are accumulations of microbes and slime on surfaces that can be impactful in a wide range of medical, industrial, and everyday surfaces. BioSurface Technologies provides research devices for academic and industrial research organizations that want to conduct reproducible studies for intrinsic biofilm characterization, biofilm control and removal products, and specialty materials and product applications.